Vehicle Replacement Advisory Board
Regular Meeting
October 31, 2012
A Regular Meeting of the Vehicle Replacement Advisory Board was held on Thursday, October 31, 2012 in the Mayor's Office.
Present were Mayor Bingham, Board Member Glenn Royals, Fleet Manager Emil Castro, Comptroller Alice Proulx, Superintendent of Streets Robert Lizotte, Board of Public Safety representative James Potter and Mayoral Aide Timothy Waldron. City Council representative Gerald Zordan and Board of Finance representatives Mark Bushka and Bill Lamoin were absent.
Mayor Bingham opened the informal meeting at 9:30 a.m. He said the first agenda item, discussion on the usage of City Hall Vehicles, will have to be postponed to the next meeting.
Street Dept. Utility Vehicle
Mr. Castro said the next item for discussion was a Street Department utility vehicle that is up for replacement. He said he found a good one on the state contract list with upgraded seats. This vehicle would be a 4 x 2 single rear wheel utility body . It would cost $29,070, whereas $35,000 was budgeted. The existing equipment would be transferred to the new vehicle, and the old one would be sent out to auction with an expected $3500 return.
Mr. Lizotte said the current vehicle is a ¾ ton.
Mr. Royals said the price is right, and confirmed that the old vehicle is scheduled for an upgrade.
Mr. Castro said the mileage is 118,000 and Mr. Lizotte emphasized that this vehicle is used on the road every day.
The Board agreed this purchase should go forward.
City Hall Vehicle Usage
Mayor Bingham said that part of the discussion on City Hall vehicles to be considered at the next meeting are the conflicts arising with the Engineering Department's shared vehicle use. He said he will try to work that out with Department Heads. Mr. Castro asked for a clarification from the previous meeting that nothing is being replaced. Mayor Bingham said not to work on any replacements yet, not until after he meets with Department Heads.
Traffic Van
Mr. Castro said there is an upgraded 6' utility vehicle with plow and lift gate on the state contract list that would cost $15,000 over budget. He said the City is looking at around $5,000 in repairs to the currently out-of-service vehicle that has been due for replacement for two years.
Ms. Proulx questioned the need for the upgrades. Mr. Castro explained that these employees plow snow and transport equipment. He noted that the amount budgeted is $26,589.
Mr. Royals said the problem is being over budget on this, and whether or not we need that extra plow.
Mr. Potter suggested that Department be asked to find the cost difference in their budget.
Ms. Proulx agreed that items such as Capital and Insurance Reimbursements could be looked at.
Mayor Bingham asked if the Traffic Department finds the funding, will the Board agree with this purchase. They said they would.
Other Business
Mr. Castro reported that he spoke with the Fire Marshal, whose vehicle should suffice for another year.
Mayor Bingham asked Mr. Castro to work with Mr. Lizotte to create a proposal for renting out the street sweeper within our region.
Mr. Castro asked about the status of Police Interceptors and Mr. Potter said they were going to test drive some models. Mayor Bingham said he'll ask for an update.
The meeting ended at 10:15 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Carol Anderson